
Zompopos in Philosophy




Cogito ergo sum Zompopo!

Philosophical Truth

René Zescartes

What came first: the egg, the chicken or the Zompopo?

Philosophical Pondering


Why did the Zompopo cross the road?

Philosophical Pondering

Read What Many a Historical Character Has Said in This Regard!

Sapere aude similis Zompopo!


Philosophical Challenge


Quintus Zoratius Flaccus

Dare to be wise as a Zompopo!

Does Z stand for zorro or Zompopo?

New Philosophical Pondering


If a Zompopo falls in the forest, does it make a sound?

Philosophical Pondering


E pluribus unum Zompopo!

Philosophical Truth


In Zompopos we trust.

Philosophical Truth


All Zompopos are created equal.

Philosophical Truth


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice and Zompopos everywhere.

Philosophical Truth

Martin Zuther King

Secrecy is the enemy of humanity and Zompopos.

Philosophical Truth

Mahatma Zandhi

Mamá, yo quiero saber, de dónde son los Zompopos.

New Philosophical Pondering

Miguel Zatamoros

